
Associate Professor of Human-Data Interaction

Eindhoven University of Technology

I am Associate Professor in Human-Data Interaction in the Department of Industrial Design and the Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). 

My work is in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human-Data Interaction (HDI) at the intersection of Design, Engineering, and Computer Science.

Research — I focus on Tangible and Physical Computing that blends and integrates data, interactions, and interfaces into real-world applications on digital health, education, industry 4.0, and knowledge work. Please find my publications at Google Scholardblp, and ACM DL. I work on:

(1) Collaborative augmented device ecologies: 'design for the future of work' where devices are merged into intelligent ecologies that support collaboration, nomadic work, and new emerging work practices (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]).

(2) Physicalizing human-data interaction: 'support from sensor to physicalisation' with co-creation processes, concepts, interaction paradigms, and data embodiments for human-data/AI interaction (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).

Teaching — I teach and direct university-level courses on design engineering, human-computer interaction, and physical computing. My teaching interest is in courses that combine design, HCI, and computer science. I hold a PGCert for 'Academic Practice' and am a 'Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)'.

News and Updates:

⌁ Full Paper on 'Sensemaking in Data-Driven Design' accepted to ACM ToCHI.

⌁ Full Paper on 'Holistic Telemonitoring' accepted to EAI PervasiveHealth'24
⌁ Paper Chair & Associate Editor for ACM PACMHCI for ISS'24

⌁ Full paper accepted to ACM CHI'24

⌁ I was promoted to Associate Professor in Human-Data Interaction

⌁ Full paper on 'Sensor Bricks' accepted to ACM TEI'24
⌁ Full paper on 'Proxemics in Handheld AR' accepted to ACM ISS'23

⌁ Full paper on 'Tangible Office Vitality' accepted to BIT journal.

⌁ Associate Editor for special issues on Pysicalization for BIT journal.
⌁ Associate Chair (AC) for ACM UIST'23, ACM CHI'24, ACM TEI'24,

Kim Sauvé and Dominic Potts successfully defended their PhDs!

⌁ Full paper, workshop, LBW, and 3 workshop papers accepted to ACM CHI'23

⌁ New Ph.D. student Olaf Adan joined my team!

⌁ Full paper on 'Collocated Collaborative AR' accepted to ACM MobileHCI'22

⌁ Two papers on 'Sensorbadge' and 'Ecorbis' accepted to ACM DIS'22

⌁ "From Data to Physical Artifact" paper accepted to Interactions Magazine.

⌁ I am recruiting a new PhD student in Physical Human-AI Interaction

⌁ Awarded Starter Grant from Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute
⌁ Full paper on 'Contextualising Physicalisations' accepted to ACM CHI'22

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» University Page

» s.houben@tue.nl


Thomas Wells (PhD candidate)

Irina Bianca Serban (PhD candidate)
Hans Brombacher (PhD candidate)

Mengyan Guo (PhD candidate)

Sue Yoon (PhD candidate)
Olaf Adan (PhD candidate)

Rick Knops (Research Assistant)
Dr. Dimitra Dritsa (Postdoc)


dr. Kim Sauvé (PhD)

dr. Dominic Potts (PhD)

dr. Christopher Clarke (postdoc)

Research Projects

Treat (EU - ITEA)

PhysicaliseAI (EAISI Starting Grant)

POWEr FITTing (NL - Einhoven Engine)

Inno4Health (EU - ITEA)

Blended Realities (LU-FST)

Institute of Coding (UK - OfS)

Future Places DE Centre (UK - EPSRC)

Intel ICRI Cities (UK - Intel Labs)
ICareNet (EU - Marie-Curie ITN)


Director of Industrial Design Data Lab

Associate Editor for BIT journal.
Paper Chair for ACM ISS'24
Associate Editor for ACM ISS PACM HCI

Associate Chair for UIST'23, TEI'24, CHI'25


TU/e Vitality Squad Projects
Future Learn online course
DAB100 - Making Sense of Sensors
DBM160 - Data-Enabled Design

DBM170 - Design for Emerging Technologies