I work in 'Human-Computer Interaction' and 'Physical Computing', addressing questions on the principles, technologies, and interaction techniques of (i) collaborative computing and (ii) human-data/AI interaction. My publications are on Google Scholar, dblp, and ACM DL. I currently work on:
Current Research Projects:
News and Updates:
⌁ Full paper on 'Athletes in Cardiac Rehabilitation' accepted to JMIR
⌁ Full paper on 'Enhance Rehabilitation Outcome' accepted to PPA
⌁ Full paper on 'Design with Ambiguity' accepted to CHI'25
⌁ Short paper on 'CrowdCollab' accepted to TEI'25
⌁ I have been awarded a personal NWO Vidi grant
⌁ Full paper on 'On-Body Medical Devices' accepted to Bioengineering
⌁ Inno4Health project was awarded an ITEA Awards of Excellence 2024.
⌁ Full Paper on 'Sensemaking in Data-Driven Design' accepted to ACM ToCHI.
⌁ Full Paper on 'Holistic Telemonitoring' accepted to EAI PervasiveHealth'24
⌁ Paper Chair & Associate Editor for ACM PACMHCI for ISS'24
⌁ Full paper accepted to ACM CHI'24
⌁ I was promoted to Associate Professor in Human-Data Interaction
⌁ Full paper on 'Sensor Bricks' accepted to ACM TEI'24
⌁ Full paper on 'Proxemics in Handheld AR' accepted to ACM ISS'23
⌁ Full paper on 'Tangible Office Vitality' accepted to BIT journal.
⌁ Associate Editor for special issues on physicalization for BIT journal.
⌁ Associate Chair (AC) for ACM UIST'23, ACM CHI'24, ACM TEI'24
I am Associate Professor in Human-Data Interaction in the Department of Industrial Design and the Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). I direct the 'Data Interaction Lab' and head a research group working on human-data interaction.
Current PhD Openings
Human-AI Interaction for Collocated Collaboration
Spatial AI Tools for Human-AI Collaboration
Thomas Wells (PhD candidate)
Irina Bianca Serban (PhD candidate)
Mengyan Guo (PhD candidate)
Sue Yoon (PhD candidate)
Olaf Adan (PhD candidate)
Tim Hankins (PhD candidate)
Rick Knops (Research Assistant)
dr. Dimitra Dritsa (Research Associate)
dr. Hans Brombacher (Research Associate)
Research Alumni
dr. Kim Sauvé (PhD)
dr. Dominic Potts (PhD)
dr. Christopher Clarke (postdoc)
Research Grants
CurateAI (NL - NWO Vidi)
Treat (EU - ITEA)
PhysicaliseAI (EAISI Starting Grant)
POWEr FITTing (NL - Einhoven Engine)
Blended Realities (LU-FST)
Inno4Health (EU - ITEA)
Institute of Coding (UK - OfS)
Future Places DE Centre (UK - EPSRC)
Intel ICRI Cities (UK - Intel Labs)
ICareNet (EU - Marie-Curie ITN)
Current Positions
Director of Industrial Design Data Lab
Member of IFC Interdepartmental Committee
Associate Editor for BIT journal.
Paper Chair for ACM ISS'24
Associate Editor for ACM ISS PACM HCI
Associate Chair for UIST'23, TEI'24, CHI'25
Academic Background (LinkedIn)
MSc. at Hasselt University, BE
Ph.D. at IT University of Copenhagen, DK.
Postdoc at University College London, UK.
Assistant Professor at Lancaster University, UK
Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Milano, IT
Associate Professor of Human-Data Interaction
Eindhoven University of Technology